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A wonderful relaxing massage cannot be missed with wellness. Guaranteed to get you in a holiday mood.

Our Dutch masseuse is very professional. Discuss with her the possibility to enjoy a professional relaxation massage, Reiki treatment or a physiotherapeutic / craniosacral treatment.

Book in time because she is fully booked quickly

Wellness garden

Wellness stands for relaxation of Body and Mind. Nothing at all. In the wellness garden of Quintas dos Moinhos, 'a paradise of relaxation' as one of our guests described it.

In between the bird's whistle you can hear the murmur of the stream running across the estate. The fresh air, the idyllic environment give you that little bit of extra relaxation. After a walk or a day in the city, you will completely relax.

Enjoy the wood-fired sauna and the hot water bath, the Storvatt, an authentic wooden water barrel heated with an underwater wood stove, so you can enjoy a soothing warm bath outdoors.

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